HTML5 forms input types | HTML5 Doctor There’s always a catch, though, right? At the time of writing, there is an internationalization issue with type="email". When using it with double-byte internationalized domain names, the browsers invalidate them; so this example
HTML Input Types - W3Schools This chapter describes the input types of the element. .... The is used for input fields that should contain an e-mail address.
HTML input type Attribute - W3Schools Differences Between HTML 4.01 and HTML5. HTML5 has the following new input types: color, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, week, time, email, number, ...
input type=email – e-mail address input control (NEW) - HTML5 The input element with a type attribute whose value is " email " represents a control for editing a list of e-mail addresses given in the element's value.
HTML5表單Input型態| 摩刻部落 2011年10月29日 ... Input type, IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari. email, No, 4.0, 9.0, 10.0, No. url, No , 4.0, 9.0, 10.0, No. number, No, No, 9.0, 7.0, 5.1. range, No ...
HTML5 Input 类型 - W3School在线教程 Input type, IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari. email, No, 4.0, 9.0, 10.0, No. url, No , 4.0, 9.0, 10.0, No. number, No, No, 9.0, 7.0, No. range, No, No, 9.0, 4.0, 4.0.
HTML5 forms input types | HTML5 Doctor 28 Feb 2013 ... In rendering terms, the email input type is no different than a standard text input type and allows for one or more e-mail addresses to be entered ...
- HTML (HyperText Markup Language) | MDN 31 Mar 2015 ... Use if possible instead. email : Email input. ... This attribute applies when the type attribute is set to email or file ; otherwise it ...
Mobile Input Types - Ionic Framework Taking advantage of the various HTML5 input types is extremely beneficial to the ... The Email Input should be used anytime you require a user to enter an email ...
HTML5 Forms: Email Type Demo | Wufoo The email input type is for (you guessed it) email addresses. Just by virtue of having this type applied the value will be validated, requiring the @ symbol.